Snowy Winter days.

This page started because Glynis Castle Elliot sent this great photo of Babbacombe Downs covered in snow in the Winter of 1963.

Babbacombe Downs in the snow of 1963.
Babbacombe Downs in the snow of 1963.


I remember that it started to snow on Boxing day afternoon and we had snow in the back garden until Easter.  The duck ponds at Abbey Park and Kings Drive were frozen.  John Haslam

My grandparents came to stay for Christmas, and got snowed in with us for weeks.  They drove my mother mad.  Still, Christmas always was a bleak occasion!   Philip Rallison

Amazing – I remember I didn’t have to go back to boarding school, which was on the edge of Dartmoor and totally snowed in.   Rose Wallington

I remember that winter very well – I was very pregnant and helped push the number 12 bus on the seafront near Livermead when it skidded to a halt!  We gave up in the end and abandoned it.  I didn’t make it to work in Brixham that day!   Dorothy Lloyd

My dad was in the marines at the time at Lympstone and he had to go on Dartmoor and dig the sheep out of 10 ft snowdrifts.   Steven Treadaway

A view of Oddicombe and Petitor in the Winter of 1963.
A view of Oddicombe and Petitor in the Winter of 1963.


My first winter at Audley Park.  We were always being sent home because of burst pipes and no heating.   Anthony Job

Funny how the memory works.  We were talking about that cold winter and, although I can remember icicles a foot long and going sledging on what were then fields but are now covered by Torbay Hospital, I don’t remember it as one long cold winter.  There was a TV programme that talked about fuel running low and the sea in the Bay freezing over but in my memory this has been transmuted to a few days of snow every year that never lasted long.   Diana Coles

I remember 1963 as the first year I was able to use my sledge which came with us when we moved down from Lancashire.   Phil Cazanne

Three members of the Castle family in 1963 on Walls Hill.
Three members of the Castle family in 1963 on Walls Hill.


It started to snow on Boxing Day and lasted until May. I remember wearing Wellington Boots to work for 4 months.   George Hampshire