Our Local History Society was started in September 2004 with the aim of furthering interest in the local history of St Marychurch and Babbacombe and to encourage participation in research to publish articles and pamphlets so that the history of the area is recorded. In conjunction with the Friends of St Anne’s Hall and the History Club, we are endeavoring to produce an archive of the area consisting of photos, memorabilia and recording memories from local inhabitants.
Meetings are held on the third Thursday afternoon of the month, from September to April at St Anne’s Hall in Babbacombe. Doors open at 2 p.m the talk starts at 2.30.
There is usually a talk by a local historian with a question and answer session, followed by coffee and tea when members need no encouragement to socialise and have a chat.
There is no charge for members and entry for non members is £4.
Guided walks around St Marychurch and Babbacombe are every Tuesday at 10.30 in July, August and September, watch the calendar and facebook for details. We are happy to do personal walks for groups or clubs by arrangement.
Other social activities take place during the summer months; often a cream tea and an outing to a place of interest.
If you wish to join our vibrant Society please contact us. Membership fees are very modest at £5 Single and £8 Family per annum.